At UPFCU, Financial Education is a Top Priority

From educating our youth to free financial counseling, we’re here to help shape a more financially savvy community.

Father daughter with piggy bank.

Reality Fair

To help prepare our youth for adulthood, UPFCU hosts Reality Fairs to provide students the tools necessary to budget for their futures. This fun and interactive program is a hands-on simulation allowing students to experience financial challenges they will face as they begin navigating life in the real world. The goal is to empower them with information and decision-making skills necessary to achieve financial freedom.

Each student is assigned a career, starting salary and budget sheet. Then they simulate setting up their personal household: renting an apartment and setting up utilities, financing a car, allowing for the purchase of clothing and food, buying a television, etc.

For more information or to schedule a Reality Fair for your youth group, large event or school, please contact:

Jennifer Webb
501-373-2190, ex. 1106

Free Financial Counseling

We offer financial counseling as a FREE benefit to our members! Call 501-373-2190 for more details.

Here’s how much of your monthly income should go toward debt repayment

Paying off Debt

How much should I save for retirement?

Save for Retirement

How to Make a Budget?

Budgeting Information
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